Westmont Magazine Momentum: Our Commitments and Heritage Propel Us into the Future

"I’m deeply thankful for the remarkable, ongoing contributions of Westmonters throughout the world."
This year, the Super Bowl featured riveting tension, high drama and crushing setback. Philadelphia raced out to a sizeable first-half lead only to see their MOMENTUM evaporate as Kansas City engineered one of its vaunted second-half comebacks. MOMENTUM had shifted, and Kansas City rode the wave of great plays and timely breaks to victory.
In “Good to Great,” Jim Collins writes about the elusive but tangible impact of MOMENTUM. Capturing this concept in his image of the “flywheel,” he describes the positive energy generated for a company or organization when its driving strategies act like a flywheel, gaining velocity and generating power that propels itself to ever-higher levels of outcomes and accomplishments.
When we think about the MOMENTUM we’re experiencing at Westmont, we’re constantly
mindful of appropriately honoring the past, effectively managing the present and
strategically mapping the future.
Now in my 16th year as Westmont’s president, I’ve been incredibly thankful for the habitual pursuit of excellence that has characterized the college since our founding — and continues to be an enduring hallmark today. Since 2007, our goals for the college have included creating an aspirational edge that makes growth and development possible. Let me share just a few of the highlights that capture some of the MOMENTUM we’re enjoying as we move deeper into the 21st century.
We’ve achieved impressive outcomes since 2007 that honor the past and manage the present:
» Raising more than $400 million and investing $175 million in more than 400,000 square feet of new and renovated buildings.
» Our endowment reached $100 million for the first time, and planned giving expectancies exceed $225 million.
» New academic programs include include nursing, engineering and data analytics.
» We continue to diversify at every level of the organization.
» The purchase of 29 W. Anapamu gives us 30,000 square feet in two buildings for our Westmont Downtown campus.
» The ongoing partnership of academics and student life provides one of the most unique educational experiences anywhere.
» We’re on track to finish the financial year in the black for the 39th consecutive year.
This MOMENTUM will help us face some significant challenges as we map the future.
» Declining high school completion rates.
» Rising inflation.
» Cultural pressure questioning the value of higher education.
» Insistence that genuine faith-based institutions conform to secular hiring practices.
» The need to grow our working endowment to $250 million and increase our planned giving expectancies to $500 million.
» Create new academic programs located at Westmont Downtown.
» Complete the appropriate buildout of our main campus.
We’re committed to developing strategic responses that will continue our legacy and heritage by strengthening all aspects of the college.
» Expand the curriculum to add programs that embody the liberal arts as we’ve done with nursing, engineering and data analytics.
» Enlarge our non-tuition revenue streams.
» Extend Westmont’s reach and influence in ways consistent with our founding mission and enduring purpose.
» Finish the buildout of 29 W. Anapamu and launch a variety of new programs, including our post-baccalaureate Certificate in Theological Leadership, Westmont TV, Allied Health programs, and other initiatives that will enhance Christian leadership in every sphere of society, strengthen our access and affordability and propel our global initiatives forward.
What a joy and privilege to serve the purposes of God at Westmont. When I see what happens in the lives of our students during their time on campus and then witness the enduring impact our alums make as they serve in every sphere of society, I’m deeply thankful for the remarkable, ongoing contributions of Westmonters throughout the world.
Thank you for your interest and commitment as we strive together to invest our lives and energies in purposes that will outlive us.