Student Financial Services Student Loan Exit Counseling

Student Loan Exit Counseling

Federal regulations require that students who received a student loan and are graduating, leaving the institution or dropping below half-time status must complete exit loan counseling which are provided for Westmont College by HeartlandECSI.

You will need to complete loan exit counseling for each category in which you received a loan. To determine the loans you received while at Westmont College, please reference your Financial Aid documents or your student account billing statements.

Loans collected and administered by the Department of Education:

  • Direct Loan Subsidized
  • Direct Loan Unsubsidized
  • Unsubsidized Direct Loan Plus Denial

Loans collected and administered by Westmont College:

  • Westmont Interest Free Loan

To complete the Online Loan Exit Counseling for your Westmont Interest Free Loan, please log into your loan account at UNISA, Westmont College loan servicer at  You will receive an email from UNISA with instructions on how to complete your exit counseling.  You can also call UNISA at (800) 875-8910 or email them at

Please Note: for your own mailing address, you should provide a permanent address; Westmont College campus box addresses are not acceptable. You must also submit a valid e-mail address. Complete reference information should be provided for four friends and/or relatives who do not live at your address.

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